The minute i heard my first love story
The minute i heard my first love story

The streets in Stockholm were empty and quiet and majestic. She’s French, I’m from the United States, from Michigan, and Amelie is from Lyon, and she was studying translation so she spoke really good English but her family hardly spoke at all.Īnd so I was at lunch with them and she was translating and we were laughing and generally just had a wonderful time.Īnd this one night, I was walking her back to her hotel, and it was late, it was about 2:30 in the morning, the snow was coming down, the sun - not the sun - the light sort of beaming on us, it was perfect.

the minute i heard my first love story the minute i heard my first love story

We went ice skating and we walked through and explored all the museums we could and we took photographs together, and I met her family. And after about 30 minutes of me writing and her reading, I said something to her, and we started talking and one thing leads to another and we end up spending the next few hours talking together. So I took out my journal and I was writing. Just so happens that there’s only one table open, and it happened to be the table next to her. But after about five minutes of walking, it was cold out, it was dark, and I hadn’t found another good coffee shop, so I turned around to go back in where I saw she had entered.

the minute i heard my first love story

And I was walking down the street, in the old city center, it was Christmas day and it got dark there very early.Īnd I saw this beautiful girl walking ahead of me and she walked into this coffee shop and I kept on going because I wanted to journal, I was sort of in a bad mood. I was in Stockholm for the very first time about a year ago, visiting some friends for Christmas.

The minute i heard my first love story